Wednesday, July 29, 2009


In my never ending quest for true love I find myself sifting through a lot of cliches.

Open your heart.
Just be patient.
There's someone out there for you.
It's not your time.

My latest favorite: Are you ready to receive love? Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I be? It's kind of a dumb thing to say. To imply that I want someone to love but I'm not ready to let someone love me seems kinda, well illdiculous to me. Didn't I just say I was looking? Weren't you listening to me? As if Love had stopped by and I wasn't home. Or maybe I just wasn't dressed yet. Damn I missed Love's phonecall?

It's not that I'm not ready to receive. It is that the opportunity for a long lasting, healthy , happy, dare I say drama free relationship has not presented itself. I know my flaws, I know my habits, likes and dislikes, preferences. I know myself and I am so damned awesome.( ask me. I'll tell you). So, since I am the person I already need to be, bring on the Love!

Now ask me if I'm ready to get married and I will say no. Theoretically, I am. However, in the spirit of accuracy, I will say I am ready to start on a journey with plenty of destinations, marriage being the stop after "Let's move in together. " I'm more than willing to wait till I know we won't immediately implode before I buy my dress and clean up my parents backyard for the big shindig.

Hard to distinguish between someone saying something because they think they have to and actual for real good advice. Chances are if I've heard that phrase before, you're just talking. But I do appreciate your concern.

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